Friday Fresh #23: 3 Remarkably Smart Ways to Promote Your Training

Hello and welcome to a lucrative Friday Fresh that might help you hit your financial goals by the end of summer.

This week, we’ll discuss some incredible ways to promote your training; why they’re so good; and what you need to know about each method.

But first, the “Why” behind the “How”.

New findings about people and training

We have exciting news, and even though it’s not time to announce it just yet, there’s something important to share with you.

We have begun analysing the stats from the 2023 CPD Research Project, and one number stood out instantly: a staggering 96+% of professionals feel personally responsible for their own CPD. In this sample, over 90% of people were employed full-time or part-time.

Are the days in which employees relied on their employers to arrange training and help them progress long gone?

What to do with this information?

With these changes in mind, it is time that training providers like yourself alter how they promote training and abandon some old-school methods that may not work anymore.This is precisely what this Friday Fresh explores – 3 great ways to promote your training to individuals.

Flexible Payment

If the responsibility for training lies with the individual instead of their employer, then it is perhaps safe to assume that people also feel financially responsible.

As we all know, however, the cost of living crisis is undeniable and is affecting more and more people globally. It is, therefore, logical to conclude that there might be a drop in training sales since upskilling is likely to fall low on many people’s priorities list.

The easiest way to help your potential customers and yourself is to offer flexible payment methods. You don’t need to have an internal finance department, however. Simply look into utilising options such as Klarna, and potentially other solutions like Iwoca, Afterpay, Kandoo, or others.

Adding an external lender to your sales process might enable you to offer payment flexibility without sacrificing profitability or cash flow.

“Pitch It to Your Employer” Kits

Although many providers are less proactive regarding training these days, L&D Departments often have a disposable budget awaiting an employee’s requests to be spent.

Perhaps then, there’s a solid argument to suggest that adding a “Pitch It to Your Employer” kit to your course description might help your potential learners get funding for your training.

Here’s what such a kit should include:

  • Template of a Training Request Email.
  • PDF brochure with the learning outcomes and the benefits FOR THE EMPLOYER.
  • A clear outline of the training schedule and clarity over the employee’s expected work absence to attend the training.
Another Format of Your Training Course

If your training course was initially designed as a face-to-face experience, now is the best time to consider converting this training to a paid E-Book or an online course. This model would not only allow you to reach people who prefer alternative learning methods but might also open the door to streams of income that are far more significant than you have ever anticipated.

With the help of modern AI tools, video courses can be created using avatars, so you don’t have to spend a day video shooting (Synthesia).

Audio can now be transcribed in minutes, so if you’ve ever recorded a live training session, AI can write your book’s first draft using your own words (Otter, Notta, and others).

Presentations can be converted to engaging video with AI text narration (, DeepBrain, and others). The possibilities are genuinely becoming limitless.

Final Thoughts

Promotion goes way beyond discounting. Although all suggested methods will inevitably incur costs, they’ll also allow you to maintain your price point and avoid joining the “discount game” while maintaining a profitable market presence.

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