Our Philanthropy & Charity Work
Learning is Priceless
We know that the gift of learning is priceless, particularly in sectors and areas where there can be ‘learning poverty’.
From its conception, the CPD Standards Office has been a philanthropic and charitable organisation with a true social conscience.
The Office pioneered discounted, affordable and in some cases complimentary, CPD accreditation services to a wide number of charitable causes, as well as schools and not-for-profit organisations.
Over the past decade, we have also given support to our colleagues' nominated charities through donations and fundraising. These are causes close to our hearts, or are educational initiatives.

These have included:

Princes Trust

Children's Hospital SW

Young Minds

School Angel

Young People's Trust

Hearing Dogs
African Schools Project

Think Global
In addition, we support our members through these tough economic times with flexible membership options to assist with their business cash flow.
The CPD Institute Partnership
Through our partnership with the Institute of CPD, we ensure that CPD opportunities are accessible to all.
Not everyone has the same access to CPD and adult education.
Fees, location and accessibility are just a few of the barriers that can limit learning for those who need it most. Yet it is universally agreed that professional development, and ongoing continuous education, is the key to unlocking positive new futures.

That’s why 25% of all iCPD membership fees are donated to the Harris Foundation for Lifelong Learning. Together, the Institute and Foundation are creating everlasting opportunities for individuals to learn and develop their potential.
To find out more about the Institute of CPD and Jonathan Harris CBE established the Harris Foundation for Lifelong Learning over forty years ago to help professionals with their CPD.