Category CPD News

CPD For Competitive Advantage


Andrew Gibbons an independent management developer, wrote a blog for the Training Journal in February 2016 summing up why he thinks CPD is a competitive advantage to all businesses. Read here: Training Journal Blog Here are some of his best points: CPD…

Structured Learning In Business With Rosetta Stone


Rosetta Stone and the CPD Standards Office have delivered a report on how learning can be structured in business and highlighting that a CPD-led approach can deliver a better return on investment. The Structured Learning in Business report examines: The extent…

Doctors Of The Future


The Royal Society of Medicine has released a four-part series called ‘Doctors of the Future’, covering topics that range from training in leadership to increasing use of digital technology. With the current issues surrounding the quality of work contracts for…

Improving The Standard Of Apprenticeship Schemes


The CPD Standards Office investigates apprenticeship schemes in the UK, what employers can do to improve the quality and how accreditation can help raise training standards. The annual National Apprenticeship Week 2016 (14th -18th March) was themed ‘An apprenticeship can take you anywhere’ and raised…

Micro-Learning- Fast, Effective And High Quality


Micro-learning- fast, effective and high quality E-Learning platforms and micro-learning tools may be quick ways for your employees to learn. However, we believe at the CPD Standards Office, training must remain high quality to make online learning strategies effective. Search,…

New CPD Requirements For Nurses


In 2013 the Nursing and Midwifery Council launched a public consultation to review how nurses maintain their CPD (referred to as their ‘registration’ and ‘re-registration process’). Following the review, new requirements mean that nurses must undertake at least 40 hours…

Why Doing CPD Is Good For You Too!


Creating space in your diary to develop yourself professionally is just as important to you as training your clients. As an expert in your field, it is vital to keep your knowledge up-to-date. Kate Marlow, Founder of Little Bird Communications,…