CPD in the Data & Business Analysis Industry
All about CPD requirements in the Data & Business Analysis Industry
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is vital in the Data & Business Analysis industry to stay current with the latest tools, techniques, and trends. While CPD requirements can vary depending on specific certifications, professional associations, and industry demands.
CPD accreditation in the Financial Data & Business Analysis Industry has thus become a significant marker of excellence. The Data & Business Analysis industry has various professional associations and certifications that provide guidance on CPD. Examples include the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), Data Management Association (DAMA), and specific certifications like Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) and Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP).
CPD requirements often involve earning a certain number of CPD hours or credits within a defined period. This may be on an annual, biennial, or multi-year cycle. The specific number of hours/credits required can vary based on the certification or professional association.
It's essential for professionals to consult the specific guidelines and requirements provided by their chosen certification programs or professional associations to ensure compliance with CPD obligations.
The CPD Requirements
From The Professional Bodies, Associations, and Institutes for Practitioners in the Data & Business Analysis Industry

Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals (CILIP)
CILIP is the leading body representing librarians and information professions. They believe in a literate, knowledgeable and a connected society and build the professionalism of their members by supporting the development of skills, knowledge and excellence. Chartered members are expected to undertake 20 hours of CPD per year.

Institute of Knowledge Transfer (IKT)
The IKT supports and promotes the individual knowledge professional: those involved in innovation, enterprise, and the transfer, exchange, sharing and management of knowledge. IKT sets the standards for development of the knowledge professional and addresses issues surrounding accreditation, training and sharing of best practice.

The Institute of CPD
As a pan-industry organisation, The Institute of CPD is open to professionals across all fields, and a home to those dedicated to demonstrating professional excellence. Depending on their membership level, a member of the Institute will commit to 10 or 30 hours of CPD per year.
Some of Our CPD Accredited Data & Business Analysis Industry Training Providers
Sell more training and enhance your reputation by joining the world-leading CPD Standards Office.
Become a market leader in the Data & Business Analysis Industry by gaining a badge of quality to your training offering.