Become an Accredited Finance Training Provider
Unlock Potential with CPD Accreditation in Finance Training.
Elevate your financial courses with a mark of quality and relevance through CPD Accreditation. Not only a badge, but a testament to the value and robustness of your offerings, CPD Accreditation amplifies your credibility, broadens your reach, and assures learners of your unwavering commitment to maintaining high professional standards.:
✔ Enhanced Credibility
✔ Industry-required Certification
✔ Increased Exposure and Larger Customer Base
Everything you need to know about CPD in finance
Download the CPD in Finance Guide
Become a certified finance training and course provider and award CPD points to your learners.
How CPD accrediting your finance training can boost your business & get you corporate clients
With its intricate and evolving nature, the finance industry demands continuous learning and adaptation from its professionals. The increasing complexity of financial products, regulations, and technologies asks that financial experts stay ahead with the most recent knowledge and skills.
As the demand for training and qualifications increases, discerning the quality and worth of available training activities becomes paramount and challenging for finance professionals and L&D teams.
CPD Standards Office accreditation in finance training is perceived as a genuine badge of excellence and quality, reflecting a professional's sincere commitment to high-quality training. It makes it easier for prospects to see your training as the right choice and for L&D departments purchasing training in bulk to choose you over others.

How can you become CPD-accredited?
3 simple steps
Book a CPD Advisor Appointment
Our CPD Advisors have a wealth of knowledge about CPD in the finance industry! They will be delighted to help you understand if CPD accreditation is the right choice for you, and if yes - what you need to do to obtain it.
Register with the CPD Standards Office
If you have decided to go ahead with your CPD accreditation, your first step will be to register with the CPD Standards Office and become a member of a global community of professionals dedicated to educational excellence.
Complete your
Complete your assessment submission with the help of our assessors and you will soon receive your accreditation, along with many other benefits, available to those accredited by the CPD Standards Office.
When you get accredited, you will...

- Sell your training to a much wider audience
- Add INSTANT, professional credibility
- Be seen as the BEST in your market
- Beat your competitors
- Gain a HUGE market share
- Attract a higher standard of signups
- Give your attendees MORE confidence
- Develop profitable opportunities
- Validate your professionalism
- Enhance your presence and reputation